The Empire Chapter is one of the 59 internationally affiliated chapters of the AMCA. With members from Buffalo to New York City and all the way up to the Canadian border— the Empire chapter is a collective of people of all generations with a love and passion for classic and antique motorcycles.
On Sunday, May 19th, they, along with the Sylvan-Verona Beach Resort Association are bringing you a day full of presentation of some truly amazing antique motorcycles, cars, and tractors. For more up to the minute information, photos, and updates follow the event on its Facebook Page
Have questions? Please contact our event coordinator:
Dan Cifonelli
Just a friendly reminder, We ask that visitors please respect our no open container policy, this includes the beach. We desire to be a fun but safe place to visit, and are promoting to be a friendlier- family oriented environment. Open container tickets can, and will be distributed for fines of $250